Ecreator: Sorry, go and get your money “on airport”- facebook page

Ecreator collapses, founder runs away with money!

The Ponzi scheme , Ecreator has collapsed, with the company announcing on their website that the founder, a Chinese national, is making withdrawals which may amount to over USD $1 Million.

“[We] are very sorry…” was all the company could say through their website.

Ecreator “employees” were shocked this week to discover that they can no longer make withdrawals, though the company continued to take deposits…..and they all fell for the excuse that it’s a system upgrade…..

Many people have flagged ecreator from the time it started, because it was promising people huge gains even though no one could prove where the profits would be coming from. Thy claimed that that they get paid when their “employees” make reviews (fake reviews) on various online shopping sites. However, with the whole system being depended on deposits and referrals, it was clear that the company was using the deposits of old members to pay the new members, who will, in turn after seeing how easy it is to make money, invite many more people, and encourage them to make larger deposits.

When ecreator closed their withdrawal system, claiming that they are doing a system upgrade , they promised insanely huge rewards to people making deposits. They claimed that if you make a deposit of $1000, they will reward you with $400, yes, just like that, a reward that you made a deposit…….

The question remains….where would the $400 come from……? So in actual fact, you make a cash deposit of  $1000 and they claim to have given you a reward of $400, and for you to believe it…they just, on your account dashboard, put the $1400 figure and you go to sleep a happy “employee” believing that you just made $400 in a minute!

What is however also still suspicious is who is updating the website? Their office employees?

More shocking still is the fact that the company is said to be registered under the name Trymore Tapfumaneyi as his name appears on the company documents i.e the Harare City Council Heath Registration Certificate but the notice on their website says that the founder of Ecreator is a Chinese national by the name Zhao Jiaotong

It now remains to be seen if the Chinese national who is claimed to have escaped with the money will be caught and brought to justice

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